Serious Charges Call for Serious Representation

A criminal defense attorney in Orlando, FL will fight for you

When you've been accused of a crime, your freedom and finances are on the line. That's why you need an experienced criminal defense attorney to help you fight the charges and prove your innocence. Jose L Garcia, PL is the right lawyer for the job.

He has over 17 years of experience and extensive knowledge regarding Florida state law. You can rely on him to support you throughout the entire judicial process. We offer traffic law services, hardship license assistance, theft attorney services, domestic violence attorney services, drug trafficking attorney services & more. To set up a consultation with a criminal justice attorney, call 407-949-7916 now. Attorney Garcia serves residents of Orlando, FL and surrounding areas.

Talk to an attorney about your criminal charges

Were you convicted of a crime?

You can enlist attorney Garcia as your criminal defense attorney. He provides legal counsel for individuals facing:

DUI charges

Theft charges

Traffic law charges

Domestic violence charges

Drug possession and trafficking charges

He'll walk you through the judicial process and potential outcomes, then prepare you for your court date. Schedule an appointment with a criminal justice attorney today.


Were You Accused of Drug Possession or Trafficking?

You'll be glad attorney Garcia is by your side

Jose L Garcia, PL will stand up for you

When it comes to your criminal defense, you can't afford to take risks. You need a licensed attorney who's willing to fight for you in order to protect your rights. Know that you have an advocate at Jose L Garcia, PL.

To speak with a criminal defense attorney, contact his law office today. Attorney Garcia is also a proud member of the Hispanic Bar Association. Se habla espaƱol.